Jazz Accordion 1
15 Favourite Jazz Standards arranged for accordion.
Frank Marocco hat für dieses Akkordeon-Solo-Spielheft 15 Jazz-Standards arrangiert. Im Lieferumfang ist eine CD enthalten.
Komponisten: Diverse
Bearbeitung: Frank Marocco
Spielheft für Akkordeon-Solo mit Standardbass MII
Schwierigkeitsgrad: mittel-schwer
ISBN: 9788850716364
Verlag: Edizione Carisch srl
Bluesette (J. B. Thielemans)
French Fried (Frank Marocco)
Libertango (A. P. Piazzolla)
Moonlight in Vermont (K. Suessdorf)
Pigalle (Georg Ulmer / Guy Luypaerts)
Tea for two (V. Youmans)
Adios Nonino (A. P. Piazzolla)
Tico-Tico (Zequinha Abreu)
Misty (E. Garner)
Over The Rainbow (H. Arlen)
El choclo (A. G. Villoldo)
Blue Moon (R. Rodgers)
Cuando calienta el sol (C. R. Rigual / C. A. Martinoli)
María Elena (L. Barcelata)
'Round Midnight (C. Williams, T. Monk, B. Hannighen)
Vorwort von Frank Marocco:
The main motivation the write these accordion arrangements came from many accordion players who are fans of my music.
I have always written music for myself, mostly jazz arrangements for different groups that I played with through the years, but until I took on a few students in recent years, I realized there was not much interesting music for them to play.
They heard some of my recordings, the solo one's especially and asked me to write arrangements that were not too diffcult but had some of the more modern Harmonies that I use in my playing and a little more sophisticated musically.
They especially wanted some of the great standards or 'Evergreens'. I started writing and found that I enjoyed it and received much good feedback from everyone. I hope you enjoy this Book.
Frank Marocco.